My Mission is:

     To empower people by coaching them to succeed with evidence-based guidance and inspiration to achieve a better life.  
     To teach how budgeting is to plan for prosperity, whether you are already financially secure, or currently in financial distress.  

     To educate others,

because  Education = Knowledge,

and  Knowledge = Power + Hope

--- Power to achieve dreams; Hope to believe that dreams are possible.  

Copahee Coaching

     I invite you to think of coaching as a process and unique to each individual or family– some people may find a one-time or yearly session is enough to set goals, create action plan & check on progress; many people will need a few, or several, coaching sessions in a row to work to sustain their progress and obtain their goals.  
     You can expect me to challenge you, offer fresh perspectives, make requests, acknowledge your wins, and guarantee utmost confidentiality in the powerful, sacred relationship of coach & client.